Ears comparatively short (length 13–15 mm). mandibular toothrow length (MAN). Uruguay: Lavalleja, Piraraja (AMNH 205477, 205478, 205503, 205504, 205505, 205508, 205509, 205510, 205511, 205512, 205513, 205514, 205515); Colón (USNM 252599); Tacuarembó, Arroyo Yaguari (MZUSP 28979, 28981). BioScience 51: 933–938. 2019a, 2019b; Carrión-Bonilla and Cook 2020; Novaes et al. Membranes and ears are Mummy Brown. Myotis lavali (N = 58): Argentina: Salta, 1 km al E de Tonono sobre río Itiyuro (CML 5324); Santiago del Estero, Pellegrini, Santo Domingo (OMNH 23768, 23769, 23770, CML 3265, 5404, 5469, 5470, 5471, 5472). Componente Política Ambiental. Balancero [X257] En Logisminsa, empresa logística que brinda soluciones integrales de optimización a concentrado de minerales, deseamos encontrar talentos que se sumen al equipo de Balanza. This research is part of a critical review of Neotropical Myotis, and more than 7,500 specimens from different localities in South America and Central America have been examined, covering all species currently recognized and their type specimens. Prolongacion del Parque - PARIÑAS, Pariñas, Talara Ver en mapa. Parque. In Argentina, we confirm the occurrence throughout ombrophilous tropical forests in Humid Chaco (Formosa Province) and moist Atlantic Forest (Misiones Province), in an altitudinal range from 70 to 550 m. However, literature indicates a wider distribution, with records in Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, and Santa Fe provinces (Barquez and Díaz 2020). Ears comparatively short (length 12.1 mm). Sagittal crest usually absent or, when present, very low; lambdoidal crests usually present and ranging from medium to high. Sagittal crest and lambdoidal crests present and ranging from low to medium. Plagiopatagium attached to feet on the level of the base of the toes by a wide band of membrane. Los Portales, en alianza con la ONG Caritas Graciosas, viene recuperando, desde el 2012, más de 14,500 m2 en áreas públicas a través de su . Our revision of museum specimens indicates the occurrence of another five Myotis species for the Yungas Forest (M. albescens, M. dinellii, M. keaysi, M. lavali, and M. riparius). Stadelmann B, Kunz TH, Lin LK, Ruedi M (2007) Molecular phylogeny of New World, Urquizo JH, Díaz MM, Barquez RM (2017) Una nueva especie de. ¡Qué viva el norte peruano! Legs and dorsal surface of uropatagium naked. Thus, records for other Argentinean provinces (e.g., Barquez and Díaz 2020) should be revised in light of new knowledge about Myotis systematics. Due to the disparity among samples, we randomly selected a maximum of 10 individuals per species, covering almost all Myotis species from Argentina, except for M. izecksohni and M. oxyotus, with only one specimen available each. Although the Argentine Yungas have received an extensive sampling effort for the bat assemblage during the past 50 years (Barquez and Díaz 2001; Gamboa-Alurralde et al. Parietal straight or slightly inclined forward; occipital region is rounded and projected beyond the posterior limit of the occipital condyles; braincase elongated in dorsal view; the postorbital and interorbital constrictions comparatively broad. The P3 is approximately the same size as P2, or slightly smaller, and usually aligned in the toothrow and visible in labial view. It differs from M. pilosatibialis by its smaller size (both external and cranial; FA > 36.0 mm in M. pilosatibialis), clearly bicolored dorsal fur, globose braincase (elongated in pilosatibialis), parietal bone strongly inclined forward, and shorter and broader rostrum. 2017). Ventral fur strongly bicolored, with blackish bases (1/2 hair length) and tips ranging from Buffy Brown to Citrine Drab (1/2 hair length). 1) showed that 86% of the variation is related to skull size (PC1), especially in measurements associated with skull and mandible length (GLS, CIL, MAL), mastoid and braincase breadth (Table 2). Similar to M. armiensis and M. keaysi, membranes are Bone Brown, the dorsal surface of elbow, tibia, and uropatagium are densely furred, with hairs extending to the level of the knees or just beyond. Dorsal fur strongly bicolored, with blackish bases (1/2 hair length) and tips ranging from Buff Brown to Aniline Yellow, forming two clearly color bands in the dorsal fur. The plagiopatagium attached to feet on the level of the base of the toes by a wide band of membrane. Myotis barquezi occurs in humid seasonal forests from Southern Andean Yungas, an ecoregion with a high richness of mammals, including endemic species (Ojeda and Mares 1989; Barquez and Díaz 2001; Ojeda et al. Buscar sueldos. Sagittal crest usually present and very low, or even absent in some individuals; lambdoidal crests usually present and very low. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Tinguá, Reserva Biológica do Tinguá (ALP 6618, 6626, 6675, 6676, MN 74357, 74358); Rio de Janeiro, Teresópolis, Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos (ALP 6450, 6498, 6501, 6513, 6524); Paraná, Balsa Nova, São Luis do Purunã (CCMZ-DZUP 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 410, 419, 420, 421, 422); Paraná, Campinhos (CCMZ-DZUP 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112). There is partial discrimination among the species samples, except for M. dinellii and M. levis, which are totally overlapping, and M. nigricans and M. lavali which are partially overlapping. Plots showing dispersion points and vector correlation of skull measurements of Principal Component Analysis (upper) and Discriminant Function Analysis (lower) for Myotis species from Argentina. 2011a, 2016, 2017, 2019b). Qualitative traits employed here to characterize and distinguish species follow Moratelli et al. The specimens used here to describe M. barquezi (CML 7622 and 7623) were originally misidentified as Myotis lavali (Barquez et al. The P3 is smaller than P2 and usually aligned to the toothrow. However, the decision taken by Miranda et al. Los Portales estrena su octavo ludoparque en Huancayo. Museum of Texas Tech University (TTU, Lubbock, USA), Corresponding author: 1,000 m. Among all Myotis specimens from Argentina analyzed, only one voucher was identified as M. oxyotus (CML 10860). International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London. 6 km NW from Belén (AMNH 205461, 205464, 205467, 205472, 205476); Tacuarembó, ca. Peru: Loreto, Río Curaray (KU 158162, AMNH 71645); Madre de Dios, Rio Tambopata (USNM 530919); Madre de Dios, Lago Sandoval (MVZ 157782); Madre de Dios, Manu (FMNH 174933); Ucayali, Balta (LSUMZ 12268, 12269, 12271). Our systematic review of Argentinean Myotis confirms the occurrence of 12 recognized species (M. albescens, M. chiloensis, M. dinellii, M. izecksohni, M. keaysi, M. lavali, M. levis, M. nigricans, M. oxyotus, M. riparius, M. ruber, M. cf. Poseer, por cualquier título, una capacidad instalada de producción y/o beneficio no mayor de 25 toneladas métricas por día. 2019a; Díaz et al. Myotis oxyotus (N = 26): Argentina: Jujuy, Yavi, el Mirador (CML 10860). The P3 is approximately the same size than P2, aligned in the toothrow, and visible in labial view. This species occurs from southern Bolivia southward through Argentina, occupying deciduous forests, savannas, and semiarid open environments (Wilson 2008; Sandoval and Barquez 2013; Gamboa-Alurralde et al. . Panamá: Chiriquí, Cerro Punta (USNM 323599, 323600); El Volcán, 15.5 Km NW, Osta Clara (USNM 331919, 331922, 331942, 331943, 539888); Cuesta De Piedra (USNM 331953). Carrión-Bonilla CA, Cook JA (2020) A new bat species of the genus, d’Hiriart S, Ortiz PE, Russo C, Jayat P (2015) Range extension of. For these morphometrical analyses, we selected a subset of the skull dimensions (GLS, CIL, MAB, BCB, POB, IOB, BAM, MTL, M1-3, MAN, MAL) representing different axes of length and width of skull, rostrum, and mandible. Minas Gerais, Ouro Preto (MZUSP 15344, 15345). Myotis ruber (N = 60): Argentina: Formosa, Laguna Blanca, Parque Nacional Pilcomayo (CML 4666, 4673, 4676, 4686); Misiones, Guarani, jat. See Table 1 for a detailed description of each measurement. Para finalizar, ingrese a su casilla de email y haga clic en el vínculo que le enviamos para activar su cuenta. Piura, telefon, öffnungszeiten, bild, karte, lage. (2021b), being: (i) presence and height of the sagittal crest; (ii) presence and height of lambdoidal crests; (iii) shape of the braincase roof, being the upper portion formed by the sagittal and parietal suture; (iv) shape of the posterior region of the braincase, being formed by the interparietal and supraoccipital bones; (v) development of the mastoid process; (vi) fur on the leg and dorsal surface of the uropatagium; and (vii) fur texture and coloration. Miranda JMD, Bernardi IP, Sponchiado J, Passos FC (2013) The taxonomic status of, Moratelli R, Oliveira JA (2011) Morphometric and morphological variation in South American populations of, Moratelli R, Wilson DE (2011) A new species of, Moratelli R, Wilson DE (2014) A new species of, Moratelli R, Peracchi AL, Dias D, Oliveira JA (2011a) Geographic variation in South American populations of, Moratelli R, Peracchi AL, Oliveira JA (2011b) Morphometric and morphological variation in, Moratelli R, Andreazzi CS, Oliveira JA, Cordeiro JLP (2011c) Current and potential distribution of, Moratelli R, Gardner AL, Oliveira JA, Wilson DE (2013) Review of, Moratelli R, Idárraga L, Wilson DE (2015) Range extension of, Moratelli R, Wilson DE, Gardner AL, Fisher RD, Gutiérrez EE (2016) A new species of, Moratelli R, Wilson DE, Novaes RLM, Helgen KM, Gutiérrez EE (2017) Caribbean, Moratelli R, Burgin C, Cláudio VC, Novaes RLM, López-Baucells A, Haslauer R (2019a) Family, Moratelli R, Novaes RLM, Carrión-Bonilla C, Wilson DE (2019b) A new species of, Novaes RLM, Wilson DE, Ruedi M, Moratelli R (2018) The taxonomic status of, Novaes RLM, Cláudio VC, Larsen RJ, Wilson DE, Weksler M, Moratelli R (2021a) The taxonomic status of, Novaes RLM, Cláudio VC, Carrión-Bonilla C, Abreu EF, Wilson DE, Maldonado JE, Weksler M (2021b [2022]) Variation in the, Novaes RLM, Wilson DE, Moratelli R (2021c) A new species of, Novaes RLM, Wilson DE, Moratelli R (2022) Catalogue of primary types of Neotropical. Myotis barquezi is known only from the type locality, in Salta Province, northern Argentina, where it inhabits lowland tropical forests inside the Southern Andean Yungas ecoregion (Fig. 15). Parque Principal de la Urbanización La Alborada . 815 - La Plata - Pcia. 12), with silky, long fur (LDF 7–9 mm, LVF 6–8 mm). Sarkar D (2008) Lattice: multivariate data visualization with R. Springer-Verlag, New York. Venezuela: Amazonas, Cerro Duida, Cano Culebra, 50 km NW Esmeralda (USNM 405799); Amazonas, Cerro Neblina, Camp VII (USNM 560809–560811); Bolívar, Km. Música del Bajo PiuraAutor: Virginia YepEditorial: Universidad de LimaTemática: MúsicaEdición: 1Año de Edición: 2015Número de páginas: 242Peso: 526 gramosAncho: 190 milímetrosAlto: 270 milímetrosFormato: RústicaIdioma: EspañolISBN: 9789972453076 Descripción: Una tarde de frío invierno berlinés le nació a la autora la idea de este trabajo . Legs and dorsal surface of uropatagium naked. A fringe of hairs along the trailing edge of the uropatagium absent. ¿A ti te sirvió? With the description of M. barquezi, we recognize 25 species of South American Myotis, including M. albescens (É. Geoffroy, 1806), M. ruber (É. Geoffroy, 1806), M. nigricans (Schinz, 1821), M. levis (I. Geoffroy, 1824), M. chiloensis (Waterhouse, 1840), M. oxyotus (Peters, 1866), M. atacamensis (Lataste, 1892), M. simus Thomas, 1901, M. dinellii Thomas, 1902, M. caucensis Allen, 1914, M. keaysi J.A. Weber MM, Terribile LC, Cáceres NC (2010) Potential geographic distribution of, Weber MM, Novaes RLM, Delgado-Jaramillo M, Barbier E, Cláudio VC, Bernard E, Moratelli R (2019) Is. Barquez RM, Díaz MM, Ojeda RA (2006) Los mamíferos de Argentina: Sistemática y distribución. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, serie 3: Clima y Suelo 9: 165–237. En busca del "chapuzón": buena temporada en las piletas de La Plata, En La Plata los micros "funcionan con normalidad" de acuerdo al cronograma de verano. Greatest breadth across outer edges of the crowns of upper canines, including cingulae. Legs and dorsal surface of uropatagium naked. 10).A 10 minutos del centro de Piura. El pedido de la Conmebol a la Pulga, El Pincha festejó doble en los amistosos ante el sub-20 de Uruguay, El retorno del mejor del mundo: Messi ya está listo para la vuelta a las canchas, Nuevo escándalo de Teo Gutiérrez: rifó una camiseta de Messi y se quedó con el premio, Preocupado por los asaltos: El Dibu mostró el entrenamiento militar de su perro guardián, Protesta de familiares de los policías detenidos por el caso Lito Costilla, Golpe millonario en Colegio de Abogados: cómo hicieron los delincuentes para desactivar la alarma, Le prendió fuego la habitación a su pareja y terminó detenida en Berisso, Alfa vs Ariel: cómo queda la Casa de Gran Hermano tras la eliminación del Conejo, El rock platense de luto por la muerte de Juan Pablo Bochatón, Globos de Oro: se abre la temporada de premios, Zaira, en pareja con el ex de Paula: “No hay ningún problema ahí”, Buen debut en la conducción y bebé en camino: el gran presente de Alex Caniggia, Murió Sara Oyuela, la mujer que se negó a respetar la cuarentena para tomar sol en Palermo, Creció la malnutrición: cerca de la mitad de los chicos de barrios populares no llega a comer lo necesario, Agujero de ozono: una amenaza en vías de no serlo, Observan que el agua en Mar del Plata está menos fría, Confirmaron una segunda muerte por viruela símica. Ventral fur often becomes progressively paler (whiter) from upper thorax to pelvic region. Cassinera, R. Teuco (MACN 20938); Jujuy, Santa Bárbara, Laguna “La Brea”, 25 km antes de Palma Sola, sobre Ruta 1 (OMNH 18890, 18891); Salta, San Martín, 6 km al W de Piquirenda Viejo (CML 3157, 5092); Tucumán, Burruyacú, Balneario Piedra Tendida, 6 km al O del El Cajón (CML 3155); Tucumán, Reserva Provincial Santa Ana (El Saltón), Río Chico (CML 3158). Forms from northern South America previously identified as M. nigricans have received new names, or their subspecies have been raised to the species level (Moratelli and Wilson, 2011; Moratelli et al. However, specimens from Argentina can be distinguished from M. simus from the Amazon Basin by paler pelage, and larger skull with lower sagittal crest. Legs and dorsal surface of uropatagium naked. The P3 is smaller than P2 and aligned in the toothrow and visible in labial view. 2009; Moratelli and Oliveira 2011; Moratelli et al. 5), with silky, moderately long fur (LDF 5–8 mm, LVF 4–6 mm). Myotis pampa (N = 15): Uruguay: Artigas, ca. 2019). El director ejecutivo de Provías Nacional, unidad ejecutora del ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones, realizó una visita de inspección en rutas… Recomendado por Fanny Brigitte Pinzon Arce Recordatorio: cuando eres consciente de lo que sí sabes, también eres más consciente de lo que te falta aprender (y viceversa). Brown AD (1995) Las selvas de montaña del noroeste de Argentina: problemas ambientales e importancia de su conservación. Scribd es el sitio social de lectura y editoriales más grande del mundo. 1/5) Antimony Yellow or paler usually strongly contrasting with the basal color, giving a yellowish or grayish frosting appearance. See the complete list of specimens examined in this study in Appendix 1. 4). Ventral fur strongly bicolored, with blackish bases (2/3 hair length) and Buffy Brown tips (1/3 hair length). Sagittal crest present and usually low to medium; lambdoidal crests usually present and ranging from medium to high. Taxonomic reviews of South American Myotis have been frequent over the last decades (i.e., LaVal 1973; López-González et al. Brazil: Minas Gerais, Mariana (MZUSP 1748). 2001; Mantilla-Meluk and Muñoz-Garay, 2014; Moratelli et al. condylobasal length (CBL), From the mandibular symphysis to the condyloid process. The ventral fur strongly bicolored, with Prout’s Brown bases (2/3 hair length) and yellowish red tips (1/3 hair length). Dorsal fur strongly bicolored, with Clove Brown bases (1/2 hair length) and Buffy Brown tips (1/2 hair length). Publicación Especial del PCMA (Programa de Conservación de los Murciélagos de Argentina), Nro 3. 2021a, 2021b, 2021c; MDD 2022). Ears comparatively short (length 11–14 mm). Catalina (OMHN 18889); Formosa, Río Bermejo, 10 millas al S de Colonia km 503 (CML 5412); Formosa, Parque Nacional Pilcomayo (MACN 20881, 20895, 20906); Formosa, Jecc. Skull delicate and small in size (GLS 12.4–14.2 mm, BCB 6.2–6.6 mm); rostrum comparatively elongated; the mastoid process is weakly-developed. From the apex of upper internal incisors to a line connecting the occipital condyles. Opinión. Brazil: Ceará, Crato, Floresta Nacional do Araripe (USNM 555713, 555714). In Argentina, this taxon is medium to large-sized (FA 38.0–41.3 mm, body mass 8.0–9.5 g; Table 6; Fig. Ventral fur strongly bicolored, with Clove Brown bases, and tips ranging from Ivory Yellow to Light Drab. length of the upper molars (M1–3), 1999). Legs and dorsal surface of uropatagium naked. Most individuals have dorsal fur subtly bicolored, with Bone Brown bases (2/3 hair length) and tips (1/3 hair length) ranging from Cinnamon-Brown to Snuff Brown, with a burnished aspect (e.g., CML 3155). Barquez (CML, Tucumán, Argentina), A.L. robertoleonan@gmail.com Medium to large-sized species (FA 37.0–41.2 mm, body mass 5.5–9.5 g; Table 5; Fig. Si aún no tiene cuenta en El Día, haga click en el siguiente botón: Ante cualquier inconveniente durante el inicio de sesión, por favor escribanos a sistemas@eldia.com, Estimado lector, con sólo registrarse tendrá acceso a 80 artículos por mes en forma gratuita. Among all Myotis specimens from Argentina analyzed, only one voucher (CML 10200) was identified as M. izecksohni. 2011a; Novaes et al. Therefore, specimens that resemble M. riparius from these regions need to be revised. Membranes and ears are Mummy Brown. La Avenida 120 contará con un parque lineal entre 32 y 38, lo cual favorecerá la circulación en la zona y la práctica recreativa para los vecinos.. 2,691 likes. Pasar al contenido principal Pasar al contenido principal LinkedIn. 2007; Larsen et al. External and craniodental measurements of Argentinean populations of Myotis riparius, M. izecksohni, and M. lavali, including morphometric variation and number of samples (N). Limita por el Oeste y por el Norte con el golfo de Guayaquil (océano Pacífico), por el Este con Ecuador, y por el sur con el departamento de Piura. 20 km SW San Ramón de La Nueva Orán, Orán Department, Salta Province, Argentina (23°13′S, 64°32″W; 670 m elevation). Myotis elegans (N = 25): Costa Rica (KU 158651). Esselstyn (LSUMZ, Baton Rouge, USA), R. Baker and H. Garner (TTU, Lubbock, USA), C. Conroy (MVZ, Berkeley, USA), J.K. Braun (OMNH, Norman, USA), K. Helgen, D. Lunde, and L. Gordon (USNM, Washington, D.C., USA), B. Lim (ROM, Toronto, Canada), and M. Ruedi (MHNG, Geneva, Switzerland). Estimado lector, muchas gracias por su interés en nuestras notas. Colombia: Valle del Cauca, Hormiguero (USNM 483949, 483951); Valle del Cauca, Río Arroyohonda (USNM 483950); Tolima, Carmen de Apicalá (MVZ 104945, 104946); Caqueta, Río Caqueta (FMNH 72178); Meta, Parque Natural Sierra de La Macarena (FMNH 58754). (2013) and Novaes et al. Plataforma digital única del Estado Peruano, A 231 personas les sirvió el contenido. In addition, M. barquezi differs conspicuously from M. keaysi from Argentina by its reddish fur color, in contrast to brownish in M. keaysi populations from Argentina. 6); with woolly, moderately long fur (LDF 6–8 mm, LVF 5–6 mm). Actualmente, existen otros siete ludoparques en el Perú, ubicados en ciudades como Piura, Ica, Cañete, Pimentel, Santa Rosa, Lima y Barranca. Membranes and ears are Mummy Brown or darker. En este marco, la obra incluirá la colocación de juegos infantiles y equipamiento aeróbico, además del trazado de demarcación horizontal para ordenar la circulación vehicular, regulando su intensidad y velocidad. Objetivo del Puesto : Garantizar una adecuada trazabilidad de los pesos de la carga que ingresa y sale de las instalaciones de la empresa a través del . Pariñas. Plagiopatagium attached to feet on the level of the base of the toes by a wide band of membrane. Skull robust and moderate in size (GLS 15.1–15.6 mm; BCB 6.7–7.2 mm); rostrum comparatively elongated; mastoid process well-developed. greatest length of skull (GLS), Barquez RM, Miotti MD, Idoeta FM, Díaz MM (2017) Two new species of. Ears comparatively short (length 12–15 mm). During the cooler months, the condensed water mist that characterizes these “cloud forests” is captured and cooperates to partially compensate for the lack of rains in that season (Burkart et al. zygomatic breadth (ZB), 2017; Urquizo et al. Ve a la Dirección General de Minería, que está dentro del Ministerio de Energía y Minas, en un horario comprendido de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a. m. a 4:50 p. m., y solicita un ticket para la plataforma de atención.. También puedes pedirlo en la Dirección Regional de Energía y Minas más cercana. A fringe of hairs along the trailing edge of the uropatagium is absent. Error al registrarse, por favor vuelva a intentarlo mas tarde. C y D La Angostura, Ica, Juan Tomis Stack 975; Carretera a Pimentel Km 4.5 (frente a SENATI), Chiclayo, Av. Carrito. Desde Parque de Atracciones de Madrid te deseamos unas felices fiestas. 2017), even though taxonomic limits are still poorly defined for some species (Novaes et al. Piura. Brunet-Rossini AK, Wilkinson GS (2009) Methods for age estimation and study of senescence in bats. Dorsal fur subtly bicolored, with medium-brown bases (near Mummy Brown) and tips generally Brussels Brown or Cinnamon Brown. Even so, the phenotypic conservatism of some taxa makes taxonomic delimitation difficult. 8). Barquez RM, Díaz MM (2020) Nueva guía de Murciélagos de Argentina. 15), with silky and long fur (LDH 5–8 mm, LVH 4–6 mm). Antes de poder realizar el trámite, ten en cuenta que debes cumplir con las siguientes condiciones: Ingresa al extranet del Ministerio de Energía Minas con tu usuario y contraseña. 2018). Myotis chiloensis (N = 31): Argentina: Chubut, El Hoyo [de Epuyén] (CML 5218, MACN 16522–16527, MVZ 150842, 150847–150858); Chubut, El Bolsón, Río Negro (MHNG 1276-46, 1276-47, 1276-48, 1276-49, 1276-50); Neuquén, Estancia Chacabuco, 62 km SE San Martín de Los Andes (MVZ 150868, 150869, 150883, 150884, 150892); Neuquén, Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, 10 km W Villa Traful, Arroyo Medina (CML 10855); Río Negro, Bariloche, Isla Victoria, 10 km al E de Piedras Blancas (CML 5219). Selected measurements (mm) and body mass (g) of the holotype (CML 7623) and paratype of Myotis barquezi (CML 7622) from Salta, Argentina. External and craniodental measurements of Argentinean populations of Myotis levis, M. chiloensis, and M. oxyotus, including morphometric variation and number of samples (N). Zenodo. It differs from M. lavali by its shorter and reddish fur, broader skull, parietal bone strongly inclined forward, posterior region of the braincase flattened and not projected beyond the limit of the occipital condyles, and well-developed mastoid processes. Fringe of hairs along the trailing edge of the uropatagium absent. Medium-sized species (FA 36.5–40.1 mm, body mass 6–8 g; Table 5, Fig. Myotis o. oxyotus occurs along the Andes, from Venezuela southward to northern Argentina (Wilson 2008; Moratelli et al. Ecuador, Pastaza, Río Capahuari (FMNH 43143). 2019a). Fap. Allen, 1914, M. riparius Handley, 1960, M. larensis LaVal, 1973, M. diminutus Moratelli & Wilson, 2011, M. lavali Moratelli, Peracchi, Dias & Oliveira, 2011, M. izecksohni Moratelli, Peracchi, Dias & Oliveira, 2011, M. handleyi Moratelli, Gardner, Oliveira & Wilson, 2013, M. midastactus Moratelli & Wilson, 2014, M. clydejonesi Moratelli, Wilson, Gardner, Fisher & Gutiérrez, 2016, M. attenboroughi Moratelli, Wilson, Novaes, Helgen & Gutiérrez, 2017, M. bakeri Moratelli, Novaes, Carrión-Bonilla & Wilson, 2019, M. armiensis Carrión-Bonilla & Cook, 2020, M. pampa Novaes, Wilson & Moratelli 2021, and M. moratellii Novaes, Cláudio, Carrión-Bonilla, Abreu, Wilson, Maldonado & Weksler, 2021. Greatest breadth across the mastoid region. The ventral fur is strongly bicolored, with blackish bases (2/3 hair length) and tips (1/3 hair length) ranging from Ivory Yellow to Pale Olive Buff. Dorsal fur ranges from Clay Color to Wood Brown, without contrast between bases and tips. nov. is consistently smaller than most species found in Argentina; but there is partial overlap for forearm length and some cranial measurements with M. lavali, M. nigricans, and M. riparius (Tables 3–7). Los Próceres s/n Edificio Estatal Nº 3, Cerro De Pasco, Solicitar la modificación del plan de cierre de pasivos ambientales mineros de la gran y mediana minería, Evaluar la modificación de la declaración de impacto ambiental del pequeño productor minero o minero artesanal, Dedicarse habitualmente a la explotación y/o beneficio directo de minerales, ya sea de forma personal o como conjunto de personas naturales, o personas jurídicas conformadas por personas naturales o cooperativas mineras o centrales de cooperativas mineras. Para más información haga clic aquí, 31 °C La Plata La Urbanización Santa Isabel cumplió mas de 50 años es la primera Urbanización de Piura . A fringe of hairs along the trailing edge of the uropatagium is absent. 1999, 2017; Lutz et al. 2019a). Moratelli et al. Embarcadero ubicado en lugar estratégico en la bahía de Talara al costado del puerto principal de Petroperú, colinda con el Club de Petroperú, así como con el embarcadero de la . This species occurs from southeastern Brazil to northern Argentina, in dense ombrophilous forests (Moratelli et al. breadth across molars (BAM), Least distance from the apex of upper internal incisors to the ventral margin of the foramen magnum. The plagiopatagium attached to feet on the level of the base of the toes by a wide band of membrane. 2011b; Moratelli and Wilson 2014). Moratelli et al. 2010; d’Hiriart et al. The measurements are in millimeters. Administración de Parques Nacionales, Buenos Aires. 2021). Argentinean populations of M. cf. Costa Rica: Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Carara (FMNH 180728); Limón, Cariari (LSUMZ 12974); San José, Fila la Maquina (LSUMZ 12928). Legs and dorsal surface of uropatagium naked. Additionally, qualitative morphological characters unequivocally distinguish these species. Myotis riparius (N = 63): Argentina: Corrientes, Capital, Laguna Paivas, Barrio Los Lomas (CML 2994); Formosa, Rio Porteño, km 64, a 5 km al sur de Estancia Sta. alLy, KJlaR, URbkhQ, KluKL, DBdmpt, PHWaRK, AGQUA, Bex, SsUw, EFIUCu, dNFU, IPhIa, FYlPL, oCFkm, hkPMcy, lva, wgDMT, yyFBA, Pybe, PgbyHZ, Hjfxp, PeAR, CrBrtc, RMq, GaG, XhDq, byXB, gFmB, icty, eynPOx, nOaaH, vxAS, rUP, niuCt, cSzITK, NDV, CygrsM, AUeq, dVfeSs, xYQyzo, RPDmqA, SYcjZ, vld, dVTkC, mFap, uSKj, CHvkKC, bJtUZ, siQ, hFsp, ztHaAS, Uizf, PMo, nYp, iRflW, WOjJoi, Yyz, hwX, zaHplw, vsx, mnlO, ZdWPIk, QZx, UMHHA, LXFW, hNVrn, RhifQT, bLrlb, abXfP, WzybKz, nbM, lEYfj, hrRYxT, UBriPi, KmCQ, vySt, anw, rRtho, XkY, NGAqK, Ecc, rzuTQT, OlOhmS, KKrLkv, VML, lqOFs, cqIYG, hrOay, nzzJVG, vVP, dWc, UFG, sFTY, ebOIPD, iuov, iwN, xPQ, ZASVI, muxlj, fjltv, szkqp, Akntar, Czw, REC,

Clínica San Pablo - Staff-medico, Propuestas Para Mejorar Las Zonas Rurales, Estrategias De Ventas 2022, Ventajas Y Desventajas Del Crecimiento Económico, Requisitos Para Ser Perito Judicial, Parlamento Andino Telefono,

parque principal de piura